Sunday, October 7, 2012

Buying tips for the consumer

Buyers are liars is the old saying.  I used to offended by this statement until I realized it is often true.  Why is it true?  Well I think through the times buyers have been taken advantage of or feel that they have been taken advantage of. The result is we become dishonest in our buying habits.  We shop companies, reveal competitor quotes, expect companies to reduce their prices and say we are coming back when we know we won't be.  So what...who cares...but guess what.  Our dishonesty is hurting companies.  Companies that have families just like us.  

How can we stop this behavior and become an honest buyer?  

First we need to realize most companies offer reasonable prices.  I used to think these companies just pocketed my hard earned cash and ran off giggling to the bank at my expense.  What they are actually doing with this cash is paying for the merchandise you bought, paying employee payroll, rent, lights, heat, advertising, internet, office supplies, trash, government taxes, medical and the list can go on and on.  Sometimes the actual owner doesn't even get a paycheck!  

Second we need to realize that this business we are at is entitled to a profit for their product.  Just like we are entitled to a paycheck from our job after a long week of hard work.  Most likely if a company was overcharging they would not be in business for very long.

Third we are entitled to shop around.  We are not entitled to show competitors quotes just to get a lower price.  It's dishonest and can really hurt the company that was nice enough to give you that quote in the first place.  Remember they have families!   And personally I want the best price up front and I have no respect for companies that under cut their price to get your business.

Fourth if you know you are shopping around don't take up a great deal of that companies time.  Time is money for that company so get the necessary details and then be on your way.  Remember time is money, this individual you are meeting with probably thinks you are buying from them and when you get up and leave without buying it hurts, especially when they could have been meeting with a buyer.  

Last, don't say you will be back if you are unsure.  I think we feel uncomfortable  when we know we are shopping and need to end our shopping trip with empty promises.

In the end just be honest.  We definitely need to be smart consumers but we don't have to be dishonest ones.

Live life simple

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