Saturday, September 24, 2011

Waffle Maker for my Dairy Intolerance

Recently I have determined with the help of my allergist that I have a problem digesting dairy.  I can no longer digest lactose or most dairy products without getting horrible stomach pains and looking like I am 6 months pregnant!  I am also allergic to nuts so when you combine these two problems there is not much to eat in the world of processed food.  Everything good and processed to eat seems to have milk or nuts in their ingredients or may have shared a line with milk or nuts!  So I found myself on a quest to find some simple foods that I can eat and do not have to pay a ton for!
My first success on this quest has been solving my waffle problem.  I have tried to find dairy and nut free waffles but have not been able to find any brand that does not make me sick.  So I asked for a waffle maker for my birthday.  When my birthday arrived guess what I got ... a waffle maker.  The first thing I thought was what in the world was I thinking!  Where am I going to store this huge thing and how in the world am I going to make homemade waffles ... it looks difficult! 

I actually stared at this thing for a week before gathering the courage to try it out.  I wiped off the dust, pulled it out of the box and followed the instructions for first time use.  Thankfully it came with a recipe book.  I found the most simple recipe and mixed up the batter.  The batter looked horrible and way too thick and I started to think "great I just wasted a bunch of ingredients"!

I then scooped the batter onto the griddle and shut the lid.  When the timer rang guess what .... I opened the unit up and found four tasty looking waffles looking at me!  The best part about this whole experience is they tasted great and I did not get sick!  When I shared my waffles, everyone agreed they no longer wanted store bought waffles.  Homemade waffles are definitely more filling, tasty, fast and easy to make. 
I can't even begin to tell you how happy I am to be able to bring another food back into my diet.  I can even make a ton of these guys and freeze them for later.  I now have something I can grab on the go!  I am even looking forward to finding more waffle recipes!  I hope my story helps those of you with dairy problems!

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