Monday, July 18, 2011

Coupon Clipping step one to saving money

We have to face and accept that tough times are here and things will continue to be tough as prices continue to rise due to this wonderful economy.  I feel these tough times in my wallet every time I go grocery shopping which is why I am an avid coupon user.  Did I just here you say "clipping coupons STINKS"!  I think some individuals banned coupons in their life due to past frustrations with them.  Such as spending the time to clip them, tossing them into an envelope or purse and then simply not using them.  I speak from experience!  I did the same thing and actually did not get organized till I started buying coupons on ebay.  After a few months of this I thought why am buying these when I could clip them as well!  So I plan to dedicate my next few posts to coupons and tips on how I manage my food bills on a tight budget.

So lets just get right down to it and get started.  First of all I have three newspapers I have access to.  One is from work, one from home and the last is from my mother.  Just ask the ones in your life if they use their coupon inserts and see if you can get them weekly.  Try a neighbor, close relative or co-worker.  As you collect these inserts from your contacts please don't start clipping yet till you collect them all!  I made that mistake at first.  You save much more time if you first collect them all and then clip them all at the same time.  Now when you have all your inserts I lay them out on the table and start working.  As I go through my inserts I find my coupon, tear that page out from all three, very carefully match up the three coupons and clip all three at the same time.  Be careful, you don't want to clip off the important stuff...there are some tough cashiers out there that won't stand for an imperfect coupon!  Next I lay out my clipped coupons in dedicated piles according to dairy, meat, and etc...this helps when it's time to organize all the coupons I clip.

I do want to take a moment and note that I only clip what I am comfortable feeding my family.  I have had so many food intolerance and allergy problems I am now much more aware of what ingredients are in food.  I no longer buy the really bad stuff that sometimes has great coupons!  Now don't get me wrong I still feed my family what I call unhealthy "filler food" because we are on such a tight budget I have no choice.  I am just more selective with my choices and not driven by a coupon.

Now we have our coupons the next step is to get a binder book to place these coupons in.  Don't use envelopes, don't use those plastic accordion wallets, don't toss them into the bottom of your purse because we are not going to use these coupons right away.  We are going to use a binder that will enable you to turn pages and see each and every coupon per page.  Note when you buy your binder find one that makes you happy and one that you will feel comfortable taking into stores.  Yes I said are going to take this binder into a store when you reach that comfort level.  As you put your coupons into your binder organize them according to your favorite stores isles.  I have meats first, then drinks, baking etc....this makes it easier when you take your binder into the store.  Also make sure your binder will allow you to add in more pages in between a section.  I seem to always need to add pages into my paper products section and health and beauty. 

Our next step is to wait on the sale flyer for your store.  I like to use my coupons at stores that double coupons.  Once I have my grocery store flyer I go through my book first and glance at what I have in coupons.  With that fresh in my mind I go through the flyer and pull out the coupons that match the sale.  I make my grocery list as I go and list the item, how many coupons I have and how much I am going to spend total.  As you go don't be tied to a certain brand like I used to be.  I came from a brand oriented family and I have come to realize that most of the products out there taste the same.

Now it's time to head for the store with your coupons and your binder!  Before going into the store I flip again through my binder real quick and get a visual of what I have.  I then head on into the store and place the binder in the child seat section of the grocery cart and start collecting the items on my list.  Why bring the binder?  Well I will tell you why.  I now love using coupons and can't tell you how many times I have come across a great deal that is not in the store flyer.  I tell myself I have a great coupon at home for that and I will have to come back and get that with my coupon.  The problem is I never seem to make it back to the store in time or I simply forget!  So now I bring my binder and get the item right away to add to my stash!

So that is it in a nut shell.  Clipping coupons can be very simple.  As your comfort level increases you can then take the next step and increase your coupon stash with some online sources. 

My next post will touch lightly on ebay coupons and your grocery store web site.

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